dimanche 22 janvier 2017

L'Islam au-delà des apparences

L'Islam au-delà des apparences 

 Extrait de l'introduction: Le présent ouvrage s'adresse en priorité à tous ceux qui veulent dépasser l'image que la télévision et les autres médias donnent de l'Islam pour découvrir la vérité qui se cache sous ces inquiétantes apparences, que ces personnes soient de « simples » curieux ou des chercheurs de vérité désireux de découvrir le sens de la vie. Simples entre guillemets, car loin d'être un vilain défaut ou une caractéristique anecdotique, la curiosité est une très belle qualité, surtout lorsqu'elle s'emploie à percer les secrets des différentes religions. Lorsqu'ils s'intéressent à la religion musulmane, beaucoup de gens se perdent dans des points secondaires ou qui ne concernent l'Islam que d'une manière très indirecte et du coup, ratent l'image générale. Pour bien comprendre l’Islam, il faut mettre ces éléments en perspective. C'est ce que fait ce livre, où vous trouverez une vue suffisamment large et panoramique pour accueillir les différents détails dans le contexte qui leur est propre et qui leur donne sens. J'espère, cher lecteur, que sa lecture t'ouvrira les yeux à la véritable nature de l'Islam, religion à laquelle adhère de corps et d'âme rien de moins qu'un cinquième de l’humanité. Mais ce livre s'adresse aussi aux musulmans fraîchement convertis qui veulent en savoir plus sur leur nouvelle religion. Il les aidera à se repérer et à garder le juste milieu et leur équilibre malgré les courants qui les tirent à hue et à dia. Quant à mes frères et sœurs qui ont une plus une longue expérience de l'Islam, j'ose espérer qu'ils trouveront dans cette lecture, en plus d'un rappel utile, des perspectives inédites qui élargiront l'horizon de leur réflexion. Croyant ou non-croyant, si vous lisez ce livre avec la moitié de l'intérêt et du plaisir que j'ai pris à l'écrire, je m'estimerai satisfaite. Je demande au Seigneur des mondes de faire de cet ouvrage une source de bienfait".. 


When astronomers peer into space, they see a spidery network along walls and filaments….

In the largest calculation of its type, Max Planck astronomers and their colleagues within an international consortium have used a T3E supercomputer to study how the matter in a large fraction of the whole observable Universe evolved into the complex web of walls and filaments discovered in recent galaxy maps.
Observations indicate galaxies are distributed in a filament-dominated web-like structure. Numerical experiments at high and low redshift of viable structure formation theories also show filament-dominance. The web is largely defined by the position and primordial tidal fields of rare events in the medium, with the strongest filaments between nearby clusters whose tidal tensors are nearly aligned.
This is our universe as it appear after the largest computer simulation, every point in this picture is a galaxy! Each galaxy contain more than hundred billion stars!! We can only say: Subhana Allah.
The filamentary distribution of galaxies connecting galactic clusters are formed by the dynamic evolution of correlation bridges between the galaxies. Clusters that are at a distance less than the mean cluster separation distance have strong correlation bridges. Numerical simulations show that the web of filaments that describes the final state of the galaxies occurs even in the initial density fluctuations. The pattern of the cosmic web is dependent on the rare density peaks in the initial fluctuations. Superclusters of galaxies are cluster-cluster bridges linked by the filaments.
The amazing thing the Holy Quran has mentioned this discovery 1400 years ago! Allah The Almighty said: "By the sky with its fabrics" [51/7]. The old explanation of this verse was: "By the sky with its pathes" because they did not understand the word "fabric" i.e "Al-Hobok". So we can today understand this verse well. The word "Al-Hobok" means "fabrics" and we can see this cosmic web clearly.
This verse is a clear proof that the Quran is the Book of God.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1- For the first time a computer simulates the evolution of a large fraction of the whole observable Universe, http://www.mpg.de/english/illustrationsDocumentation/documentation/pressReleases/1998/universe.htm
2- How Filaments are Woven into the Cosmic Web, Nature, Vol. 380, pp. 603, http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9512141
3- A Glimpse of the Very Early Universal Web, http://www.eso.org/public/outreach/press-rel/pr-2001/pr-11-01.html

The Sky Is "Building"

We are going to have an example for the words that have been recently repeated by western scientists and are existed in the Qur'an hundreds of years ago…..

In one of the researches that have been done by The European Southern Observatory, a group of scientists state that they prefer the use of the words (building blocks of galaxies) rather than the word (galaxies). They assure that the cosmos is adorned by these buildings the same as the pearls lined up the string or the necklace!!
In this research, the scientist Palle Møller, the discoverers of the cosmic web with his colleagues say verbatim: “The first galaxies or rather, the first galaxy building blocks, will form inside the threads of the web. When they start emitting light, they will be seen to mark out the otherwise invisible threads, much like beads on a string.”
The sky is a building
After searching in a lot of articles and scientific researches about the cosmos and its structure, I’ve found that this is not the only scientist that believes in this fact but most scientists assure the fact of the cosmic building. It is rarely to find an article or a research in the field of Astronomy that doesn’t have the term “cosmos building”. This indicates that the scientists agree upon this scientific fact i.e. the fact of building. I’ve gone directly to the book of facts i.e. the Qur'an and searched for the word (building) and what are the indications of this word.
The surprise was when I found that this word came in the Qur'an as an adjective for the sky in the saying of Allah (Exalted is He): "Allah is The (One) Who made for you the earth a reposing and the heaven for an edifice (Literally: a building). And He fashioned you, and made fair your fashioning, and provided you with the good things. That is Allah your Lord; so Supremely Blessed is Allah, The Lord of the worlds" Surat Ghafir (The Forgiver) verse no.64
When we look at the sky through magnifying telescopes, we see perfect building of stars, gas, clouds gas and smoke. The stars appear in shining colors that decorate the sky. So contemplate the greatness of this cosmic building. Contemplate also how the Quran speaks about this building in the saying of Allah (Exalted is He): Are you harder in creation than the heaven? He built it! He raised up its vault, then He molded it, Surat An-Naziaat (The Pluckers) verses no 27, 28.
And in another verse, we have His saying: (Exalted is He), Who has made the earth for you (as) a bedding, and the heaven an edifice, (Literally: a building) and has sent down out of the heaven water so He has brought out with it (all kinds of) products as provision for you. So do not set up compeers to Allah and you know (He has no compeers). Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) verse no.22
Glorified and Exalted is Allah! A word that is used by the Quran in the seventh century A.D. is again used by the scientists in the twenty first century verbatim after their being convinced that this word gives an accurate expression for the fact of the cosmos and that it is a perfect building, is it an accident or a miracle? Allah (Exalted is He) says: "Say, “Look into whatever is in the heavens and the earth.” And in no way do the signs and warnings avail a people who do not believe" Surat Yû‍nus (Jonah) verse no.101
This is a clear miracle and true is the saying of Allah while He is addressing each denier of this Quran and the revealer of the Quran i.e. Allah (the Almighty): "We will soon show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves until it is evident to them that it is the Truth. And does it not suffice as to your Lord that He is The Ever-Present Witness over everything?" Surat Fussilat (Expounded) verse no.53
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1.       Gemini, Subaru & Keck, Discover large-scale funneling of matter onto a massive distant galaxy cluster, www.gemini.edu, 30 June 2004.
2.       The Age of the Universe, Dark Matter, and Structure Formation, Colloquium on the Age of the Universe St, National Academies Press, 1998.
3.       N Katherine Hayles, Cosmic Web, Cornell University Press, 1984.
4.       Robert A. Simcoe, The Cosmic Web, Americanscientist, Volume: 92 Number: 1 Page: 30, 1.30. 2004.
5.       Maggie McKee, Washington DC, Mini-galaxies may reveal dark matter stream, New Scientist, 12 January 2006.
6.       Our own Galaxy - the Milky Way, University of Cambridge, www.cam.ac.uk.
7.       BBC News Onlin, Supercomputer to simulate bomb tests, news.bbc.co.uk, 30 June, 2000.
8.       Palle Møller, Johan Fynbo, Bjarne Thomsen,  A Glimpse of the Very Early Universal Web, European Southern Observatory, 18 May 2001.
9.       Tim Radford, A duplicate universe, trapped in a computer, www.guardian.co.uk, June 2, 2005.

The Cosmic Bridge

This is a picture of a 10-million-light year cosmic bridge that joins between two groupings of galaxies …

This is a picture of a 10-million-light year cosmic bridge that joins between two groupings of galaxies. Scientists affirm that the universe is rich in giant structures such as bridges and walls and they are made of galaxies and form solid cosmic buildings. All glory to Allah, the almighty who talks about such structures in the holy Qur’an using a wonderful expression which is zodiac. Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:
It is We Who have set out the zodiacal signs in the heavens, and made them fair-seeming to (all) beholders;” Hijr or the Rocky Tract: 15: 16
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel